Armin Schulz





Representative Publications

(for a full and chronological listing, see my CV)


Structure Evidence Heuristic Cover Structure, Evidence, and Heuristic: Evolutionary Biology, Economics, and the Philosophy of Their Relationship New York, NY: Routledge, 2020

(For a review, see e.g. Arvid Agren's piece in Quarterly Review of Biology.)
Efficient Cognition Cover Efficient Cognition: The Evolution of Representational Decision Making. Cambridge, MA: MIT Press, 2018

(For reviews, see e.g. Zoe Drayson's piece in Notre Dame Philosophical Reviews and Justin Garson's piece in Biology and Philosophy.)


A. On the Evolution of Representational Cognition

"The Origins of Distinctively Human Mindreading: A Bio-Social-Technological Coevolutionary Account.” British Journal for the Philosophy of Science, forthcoming
penultimate draft

"Episodic Memory, Simulated Future Planning, and their Evolution.” (with Sarah Robins) Review of Philosophy and Psychology, 2023, 14: 811-823
penultimate draft published draft

"Enhancing Thoughts: Culture, Technology, and the Evolution of Human Cognitive Uniqueness.” Mind & Language, 2022, 37: 465-484, doi:
penultimate draft published draft

"The Ways of Altruism" (with Gualtiero Piccinini). Evolutionary Psychological Science, 2019, 5: 58-70
penultimate draft published draft

"The Evolution of Psychological Altruism" (with Gualtiero Piccinini). Philosophy of Science, 2018, 85: 1054-1064
penultimate draft published draft

"Altruism, Egoism, or Neither: A Cognitive-Efficiency-Based Evolutionary Biological Perspective on Helping Behavior." Studies in the History and Philosophy of the Biological and Biomedical Sciences, 2016, 56: 15-23
penultimate draft published draft

"The Benefits of Rule Following: A New Account of the Evolution of Desires." Studies in the History and Philosophy of the Biological and Biomedical Sciences, 2013, 44: 595-603
penultimate draft published draft

"The Adaptive Importance of Cognitive Efficiency: An Alternative Theory of Why We Have Beliefs and Desires." Biology and Philosophy, 2011, 26: 31-50
penultimate draft published draft

"Simulation, Simplicity, and Selection: An Evolutionary Perspective on High-Level Mindreading." Philosophical Studies, 2011, 152: 27-285
penultimate draft published draft

"Sober & Wilson's Evolutionary Arguments for Psychological Altruism: A Reassessment." Biology and Philosophy, 2011, 26: 251-260
penultimate draft published draft

B. On Evolutionary Psychology

"Explaining Human Diversity: The Need to Balance Fit and Complexity." Review of Philosophy and Psychology, 2023, 14: 457-475, doi:
penultimate draft published draft

"It Just Looks the Same: An Evolutionary Psychological Account of Differences in Racial Cognition Among Infants and Older Humans" (with Kamuran Osmanoglu). Review of Philosophy and Psychology, 2019, 10: 631-647
penultimate draft published draft

"The Evolution of Empathy." The Routledge Handbook of Philosophy of Empathy (ed., H. Maibom), 2017, London: Routledge, pp. 64-73
penultimate draft

"Overextension: The Extended Mind and Arguments from Evolutionary Biology." European Journal for the Philosophy of Science, 2013, 3: 241-255.
penultimate draft published draft

"Exaptation, Adaptation, and Evolutionary Psychology." History and Philosophy of the Life Sciences, 2013, 35: 193-212
penultimate draft published draft

"It Takes Two: Sexual Strategies and Game Theory." Studies in History and Philosophy of the Biological and Biomedical Sciences, 2010, 41: 41-49
penultimate draft published draft

"Structural Flaws: Massive Modularity and the Argument from Design." British Journal for the Philosophy of Science, 2008, 59: 733-745
penultimate draft published draft

C. On Evolutionary Economics & Evolutionary Social Science

“Phylogenetic Economics: Animal Models and the Study of Choice.” Philosophy of Science, forthcoming, doi:
penultimate draft published draft

"Tools of the Trade: The Bio-Cultural Evolution of the Human Propensity to Trade.” Biology and Philosophy, 2022, 37: 8, doi:
penultimate draft published draft

"What’s the Point? A Presentist Social Functionalist Account of Institutional Purpose." Philosophy of the Social Sciences, 2021, doi:
penultimate draft published draft

"Firms, Agency, and Evolution." Journal of Economic Methodology, 2016, 23: 57-76
penultimate draft published draft

"Niche Construction, Adaptive Preferences, and the Differences between Fitness and Utility." Biology and Philosophy, 2014, 29: 315-335
penultimate draft published draft

"Gigerenzer's Evolutionary Arguments against Rational Choice Theory: An Assessment."Philosophy of Science, 2011, 78: 1272-1282
penultimate draft published draft

"Risky Business: Evolutionary Theory and Human Attitudes towards Risk - A Reply to Okasha." Journal of Philosophy, 2008, 105(3): 156-165
penultimate draft published draft

D. On the Methodology of Economics

"Equilibrium modeling in economics: a design-based defense.” Journal of Economic Methodology, 2024, 31: 36-53
penultimate draft published draft

"Microfoundations and Methodology: A Complexity-Based Reconceptualization of the Debate” (with Nadia Ruiz). British Journal for the Philosophy of Science, 2023, 74: 359-379
penultimate draft published draft

"Preferences vs. Desires: Debating the Fundamental Structure of Conative States." Economics and Philosophy
penultimate draft published draft

E. On Philosophy of Biology

"By Genes Alone: A Model Selectionist Argument for Genetical Explanations of Cooperation in Non-Human Organisms." Biology and Philosophy, 2018, 32: 951-967
penultimate draft published draft

"Selection, Drift, and Independent Contrasts: Defending the Methodological Foundations of the FIC." Biological Theory, 2013, 7: 38-47
penultimate draft published draft

F. Miscellaneous Others

"Institutional Corruption: The Teleological and Non-Normative Account." Journal of Ethics and Social Philosophy, 2023, 25: 464-494
published draft

"Idealizations and Partitions: A Defense of Robustness Analysis." (with Gareth Fuller) European Journal for the Philosophy of Science, 2021, 11: 107, doi: 10.1007/s13194-021-00428-8
penultimate draft published draft

"Condorcet and Communitarianism: Boghossian's Fallacious Inference." Synthese, 2009, 166: 55-68
penultimate draft published draft