ENGLISH 314: Brit. Lit. after 1800, Conrad

Fall 2004
7-10 pm
4019 Wescoe Hall

Professor Kathryn Conrad
Office hours:  2035 Wescoe, TBA, by appointment other days & times
Office phone: 864-2572
E-mail (best way to reach me): kconrad (at) ku.edu
Course website:  http://people.ku.edu/~kconrad/314s04.html
Blackboard website (for discussion boards, grades): http://courseware.ku.edu/?bbatt=Y

Skip to...[Grading policy] [Other resources] [Reading and assignment schedule]

12/6:  The asterisks denoting fair game for the final have been updated.  These are the texts starting on October 18 and beyond; the final will just cover the material since the midterm.
11/20: Paper topics for the second paper are available!  Also, see Bruegel's Icarus at http://web.sbu.edu/theology/bychkov/bruegel_icarus.html.
10/4  The asterisks have been updated (below) to reflect those texts that are fair game for the midterm exam.
9/22 Paper topics for the first paper are available!
9/13 I've fixed the weird links (above) that sent you to the Spring 2004 syllabus.  Sorry for any confusion!  Also note:  the Blackboard session to be completed by class time is always listed the week before it's due, along with the due date.  Note too that you have your choice of which Blackboard sessions in which you'd like to participate--unless class is cancelled, in which case everyone's required to participate.

Course description and texts:
This course is a survey of British literature of the Romantic, Victorian, Modernist, and contemporary periods. We will be concerned in this course not only with literary form but also with some of the political and social issues that serve as context for the literature. Our readings will include essays, poetry, drama, short fiction, and novels. Do note that this will be a poetry-intensive course.

    These books are available for purchase.

Grades consist of three major components:
1. 15%:  Attendance, participation in discussion (online and in class), group work, and short assignments.  Students will be expected to access materials online and participate in Blackboard discussion boards. Students must participate in the first Blake forum and the Virginia Woolf forum (and those fora that take the place of any days cancelled by the University), and in at least three others. All readings to be completed by date listed on the syllabus.  Students are expected to attend every class and should contact me by e-mail (kconrad @ ku.edu) or phone (864-2572) before your absence if you must miss class. Three unexcused absences will result in failure of this course.
 2.  30%:  Exams: a midterm and final examination (identification and short essay) as listed on the syllabus. (15 % each.)
 3.  55%:  Two papers of 5-6 pages.  (27.5% each.) Paper topics will be available here two weeks prior to the due date.  At least one paper must be on a poem.  Please see plagiarism policy below.
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Other resources: Plagiarism:
Plagiarism is stealing and passing off someone else's ideas or words as one's own or using information from another's work without crediting the source. Any detected cheating offense--including but not limited to plagiarism; the unauthorized use of crib sheets, texts, or other materials during an examination or quiz; the copying of another student's work (even with the permission or aid of that student, who is thereby culpable); the use of prewritten essays (the student's own or someone else's); the uncredited adoption of another writer's interpretation of a work; or the unauthorized use of work written for another assignment or class--will be reported to the University. A record of each verified offense will be kept throughout the student's association with the University (Adopted from FSE statement).

Plagiarism is not a game, nor is it simply a "shortcut" when time presses.  It is a very serious form of academic misconduct and will be treated as such in this class. If you consult outside sources for ideas--a practice against which I recommend--you must cite those sources in your work. If after reading the statement above, you are still unclear about what constitutes plagiarism, ask me before turning in an assignment. A plagiarized assignment will result in failure of the assignment (no credit given) and will probably result in failure of the course.  Formal records are currently kept by the department and the University.

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Reading and assignment schedule
This schedule is likely to change.  For the most accurate reading and assignment schedule, pay attention to updates given in class.  Updates will eventually be reflected on this website.

All readings should be completed by the day listed on the syllabus.  Online discussions are listed on the date on which they are likely to start; the due date for participating in the discussion for credit is listed in parentheses (although of course you are welcome to discuss beyond the deadline).  All texts, including online discussion texts, marked with * before them are fair game for the midterm and final, even if not discussed in the classroom.

August 23: Introduction.
Course outline and goals.
Introduction to the Romantic period.
Online discussion (before August 30):  Blake, from *Songs of Innocence and *Songs of Experience 119
Recommended:  Browse illuminated Blake plates at The William Blake Archive.  (It'll take you a few clicks to get to the pictures, but once there, you'll have a huge range of choices.  When you get to an actual poem, you'll want to choose "image enlargement" from the "text and image options" menu)

August 30: The Romantic period (Longman Vol 2A)
Blake, poems from *Songs of Innocence and *Songs of Experience 119-124; 126-135
see also color plates 6 & 7 at the beginning of Vol 2A
browse Blake, The Marriage of Heaven and Hell 136-148
Recommended:  Browse illuminated Blake plates at The William Blake Archive.  (see note above)
Online discussion (before September 13): W. Wordsworth, *"Preface to Lyrical Ballads" 356-362

September 6: Labor Day holiday. No class.

September 13: The Romantic period
W. Wordsworth,*"Preface to Lyrical Ballads" 356-362
  *"Composed upon Westminster Bridge, Sept. 3, 1802  386
  *"I wandered lonely as a cloud" 435
  *"Ode:  Intimations of Immortality..." 455
D. Wordsworth, *"A Field of Daffodils," from Grasmere Journals 481
    "Thoughts on My Sick-bed" 474
Joanna Baillie, *"London" 314
  *"The Eolian Harp" 522
  *"Kubla Khan" (with preface) 545
  *"The Rime of the Ancient Mariner" 526
Mary Robinson, *"To the Poet Coleridge" 225
Online discussion (before September 20): Robinson and Coleridge

September 20:The Romantic period
  *"La Belle Dame sans Mercy" 875
  *"Ode on a Grecian Urn"
    from *"A Defence of Poetry" 801-810
    "To Wordsworth" 754
  *"Ozymandias" 760
  *"Ode to the West Wind"
Online discussion (before September 27): Shelley and Keats

Sept 22: Paper topics are available!

September 27:The Romantic period & the Victorian period.
Bronte, *Jane Eyre (1st half, through Jane's arrival at Thornfield.)
Online discussion (before October 4): *Jane Eyre.

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October 4: The Romantic period & the Victorian period (Longman Vol 2B)
Bronte,*Jane Eyre (finish).
Online discussion:  Jane Eyre.
Paper #1 due (first draft)

October 11:
MIDTERM EXAMINATION. No rescheduling without detailed medical documentation. Exam will only take 1 1/2 hours.

**October 13, 5 pm: Final draft of paper due, 2035 Wescoe, under door if I'm not there.**
Note asterisks from here on out denote material that is fair game for the final.
October 18:
C. Rossetti, *"Goblin Market" 1618,
Darwin, from *The Descent of Man 1259-1265
R. Browning, *"Porphyria's Lover" 1308
  *"My Last Duchess"  1311
Arnold, *"Dover Beach" 1551
Recommended: Scott McCloud's adaptation of "Porphyria's Lover" and Anthony Hecht's "Dover Bitch"
Online discussion (before October 25):
W.S. Gilbert, "If You're Anxious for to Shine in the High Aesthetic Line" 1943; Wilde, Preface to Picture to Dorian Gray and Aphorisms

October 25: The Modern Period (Longman Vol 2C)
Wilde, "Preface to the Picture of Dorian Gray" 1883
Wilde, Aphorisms 1924
*Vorticist manifesto 2169
Eliot, *"The Love Song of J. Alfred Prufrock"
Online discussion (before November 8): Modernists

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November 1:The Modern Period
Joyce, *"Nausicaa,"from Ulysses
Joyce, selection from Finnegans Wake 2339

November 8: The Modern Period
Virginia Woolf, *Mrs. Dalloway (2387-2439).

November 15: The Modern Period
Virginia Woolf,* Mrs. Dalloway (finish).
Online discussion (before November 22): Woolf.

November 20:  Paper topics for paper #2 available!

November 22: The Modern Period
Auden, *"Museé des Beaux Arts" 2789
Bruegel's Icarus painting at http://web.sbu.edu/theology/bychkov/bruegel_icarus.html
  *"In Memory of W.B. Yeats"
  *"Lullaby" 2794
  *"September 1, 1939" 2797

November 29: Contemporary British Literature
Caryl Churchill, *Cloud Nine
Monty Python, *"Travel Agent" 2734
Online discussion (before December 6):  Ngugi Wa Thiong'o,*"Decolonizing the Mind"

December 6: Contemporary "British" Literature
Last day; final evaluations
Heaney, *"Punishment" 2893
ní Dhomhnaill, *"Why I Choose to Write in Irish, or, The Corpse That Sits Up and Talks Back" 2904
  *"As for the Quince" 2903
Walcott, *"A Far Cry from Africa" 2950
[Note: online discussion after December 6 does not count as one of the 4 total required discussion postings, although it does count toward the more general participation grade.]

December 10:
Paper #2 due by 5 pm, 2035 Wescoe or by e-mail to kconrad@ku.edu.

December 13:
FINAL EXAMINATION, 7-9 pm (regular classroom).  Rescheduling available for students with conflicting final examination times, following University rescheduling rules. Students must make arrangements prior to December 13!

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