
University of Kansas Center for Microbial Metagenomics Community Analysis (CMMCA)

The Center for Metagenomic Microbial Community Analysis (CMMCA) is a multidisciplinary initiative comprising faculty from multiple departments and fields conducting research from genes to ecosystems. The Center was established as an internal investment by the University.


The CMMCA is able to carry out Next Generation Sequencing (NGS) and data analysis with the support of the University of Kansas Genome Sequencing Core (GSC) and the Advanced Computing Facility (ACF).


Check out the Services page for a list of services provided by the CMMCA



 The CMMCA is geared to perform  provides the following services:


  • DNA extraction from environmental samples
  • DNA quantification
  • Illumina amplicon library prep and Sequencing (HiSeq or MiSeq)
  • Bioinformatics analysis of  NGS data
  • Quantitative PCR
  • RNA-Seq
  • Fluorescent In-Situ Hybridization (FISH)


For more information please review Services section