
University of Kansas Microscopy and Analytical Imaging Laboratory

The Microscopy & Analytical Imaging Laboratory at the University of Kansas is a common use service lab maintained under the auspices of the Kansas University Center for Research, Inc. The laboratory recently underwent extensive renovations and has acquired a wide spectrum of analytical imaging devices with very flexible imaging capabilities to address the needs of multiple disciplines including biology, materials sciences, and chemistry.


Within the lab, a wide range of optics, high speed shutters, and spectral analysis tools are available, permitting flexible configurations of devices for specialized applications including, but not limited to, total internal reflection fluorescence microscopy, spectral confocal microscopy (laser scanning confocal microscopy platform), spinning disk confocal microscopy, measurement of multi-spectral polarization anisotropy, dynamic measurements of fluorescent dipole orientation, fluorescence correlation spectroscopy, and high speed FRET detection.


The laboratory is also home to a 120keV TEM, a Field Emission SEM equipped with EDS and Cathodoluminescence detection, and a FEI Versa 3D Dual Beam Field Emission SEM for enhanced resolution.  The laboratory also houses an Atomic Force Microscopy (AFM) Bioscope attached to an inverted confocal microscope allowing for automated sample scanning from live and fixed specimens, with both phase and fluorescent imaging in the x-y-z planes.


Two flow cytometers are housed in the laboratory providing a full array of Fluorescence Activated Cell Sorting (FACS) and Complex Object Parametric Analyzer and Sorter (COPAS) sorting services.  A Typhoon TRIO variable mode imager provides fluorescence, chemiluminescence, and phosphorescence scanning and analysis gels and microtitre plates.